
Journal Articles

108 entries « 1 of 3 »


Vrooman RM, Berg M, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, Engelenburg WA, Galteau ME, Lee SH, Veltien A, Barrière DA, Cash D, Chakravarty MM, Devenyi GA, Gozzi A, Gröhn O, Hess A, Homberg JR, Jelescu IO, Keliris GA, Scheenen T, Shih YY, Verhoye M, Wary C, Zwiers M, Grandjean J

fMRI data acquisition and analysis for task-free, anesthetized rats

Nature ProtocolsPubMed

Li G, Hus LM, Wu Y, Bozoki AC, Shih YY & Yap PT

Revealing excitation-inhibition imbalance in Alzheimer’s disease using multiscale neural model inversion of resting-state functional MRI

Communications MedicinePubMed


Hsu LM, Shih YY

Neuromodulation in Small Animal fMRI

Journal of magnetic resonance imagingPubMed

Li Y, Lee SH, Yu C, Hsu LM, Wang TW, Do K, Kim HJ, Shih YY, Grill WM

Optogenetic fMRI reveals therapeutic circuits of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation

Brain StimulationPubMed

Nghiem TE, Lee B, Chao TH, Branigan NK, Mistry PK, Shih YY, Menon V

Space wandering in the rodent default mode network

Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesPubMed

Cerri DH, Albaugh DL, Walton LR, Katz B, Wang TW, Chao TH, Zhang WT, Nonneman RJ, Jiang J, Lee SH, Etkin A, Hall CN, Stuber GD, Shih YY

Distinct neurochemical influences on fMRI response polarity in the striatum

Nature Communications[Press release]PubMed

Hsu LM, Cerri DH, Lee SH, Shnitko TA, Carelli RM, Shih YY

Intrinsic functional connectivity between the anterior insular and retrosplenial cortex as a moderator and consequence of cocaine self-administration in rats

Journal of Neuroscience[This Week In The Journal]PubMed

Wang Y, Yen S, Shih YY, Lai CW, Chen YL, Chen LT, Chen H, Liao LD

Topiramate suppresses peri-infarct spreading depolarization and improves outcomes in a rat model of photothrombotic stroke


Roland AV, Chao TH, Hon OJ, Machinski SN, Sides TR, Lee SI, Shih YY, Kash TL

Acute and chronic alcohol modulation of extended amygdala calcium dynamics



Menon V, Cerri DH, Lee BW, Yuan R, Lee SH, Shih YY

Optogenetic stimulation of anterior insular cortex neurons in male rats reveals causal mechanisms underlying suppression of the default mode network by the salience network

Nature CommunicationsPubMed

Chao TH, Lee BW, Hsu LM, Cerri DH, Zhang WT, Wang TW, Ryali S, Menon V, Shih YY

Neuronal dynamics of the default mode network and anterior insular cortex: Intrinsic properties and modulation by salient stimuli

Science Advances[Press release][Physics world][News video]PubMed

Zhang J, Sandroni PB, Huang W, Gao X, Oswalt L, Schroder MA, Lee SH, Shih YY, Huang HYS, Swigart PM, Myagmar BE, Simpson PC, Rossi JS, Schisler JC, Jensen BC

Cardiomyocyte Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptors Mitigate Postinfarct Remodeling and Mortality by Constraining Necroptosis

JACC: Basic to Translational SciencePubMed

Xie Y, Wang Q, Yang Y, Near D, Wang H, Colon M, Nguyen C, Slattery C, Keepers B, Farber G, Wang TW, Lee SH, Shih YY, Liu J, Qian L

Translational landscape of direct cardiac reprogramming reveals a role of Ybx1 in repressing cardiac fate acquisition

Nature Cardiovascular ResearchPubMed

Wang Q, Ruan Z, Jing L, Guo Z, Zhang X, Liu J, Tian L, Sun W, Song S, Hong JS, Shih YY, Hou L, Wang Q

Complement receptor 3-mediated neurotoxic glial activation contributes to rotenone-induced cognitive decline in mice

Ecotoxicology and Environmental SafetyPubMed

Lee SH, Shnitko TA, Hsu LM, Broadwater MA, Sardinas M, Wang TW, Robinson DL, Vetreno RP, Crews FT, Shih YY

Acute alcohol induces greater dose-dependent increase in the lateral cortical network functional connectivity in adult than adolescent rats

Addiction NeurosciencePubMed

Wander CM, Li YD, Bao H, Asrican B, Luo YJ, Sullivan HA, Chao TH, Zhang WT, Chéry SL, Tart DS, Chen ZK, Shih YY, Wickersham IR, Cohen TJ, Song J

Compensatory remodeling of a septo-hippocampal GABAergic network in the triple transgenic Alzheimer’s mouse model

Journal of Translational MedicinePubMed

Grandjean J, Desrosiers-Gregoire G, Anckaerts C, Angeles-Valdez D, Ayad F, Barrière DA, Blockx I, Bortel A, Broadwater M, Cardoso BM, Célestine M, Chavez-Negrete JE, Choi S, Christiaen E, Clavijo P, Colon-Perez L, Cramer S, Daniele T, Dempsey E, Diao Y, Doelemeyer A, Dopfel D, Dvořáková L, Falfán-Melgoza C, Fernandes FF, Fowler CF, Fuentes-Ibañez A, Garin C, Gelderman E, Golden CEM, Guo CCG, Henckens MJAG, Hennessy LA, Herman P, Hofwijks N, Horien C, Ionescu TM, Jones J, Kaesser J, Kim E, Lambers H, Lazari A, Lee SH, Lillywhite A, Liu Y, Liu YY, López-Castro A, López-Gil X, Ma Z, MacNicol E, Madularu D, Mandino F, Marciano S, McAuslan MJ, McCunn P, McIntosh A, Meng X, Meyer-Baese L, Missault S, Moro F, Naessens DMP, Nava-Gomez LJ, Nonaka H, Ortiz JJ, Paasonen J, Peeters LM, Pereira M, Perez PD, Pompilus M, Prior M, Rakhmatullin R, Reimann HM, Reinwald J, Rio RTD, Rivera-Olvera A, Ruiz-Pérez D, Russo G, Rutten TJ, Ryoke R, Sack M, Salvan P, Sanganahalli BG, Schroeter A, Seewoo BJ, Selingue E, Seuwen A, Shi B, Sirmpilatze N, Smith J, Smith C, Sobczak F, Stenroos PJ, Straathof M, Strobelt S, Sumiyoshi A, Takahashi K, Torres-García ME, Tudela R, Berg MVD, Marel KVD, Hout ATBV, Vertullo R, Vidal B, Vrooman RM, Wang VX, Wank I, Watson DJG, Yin T, Zhang Y, Zurbruegg S, Achard S, Alcauter S, Auer DP, Barbier EL, Baudewig J, Beckmann CF, Beckmann N, Becq GJPC, Blezer ELA, Bolbos R, Boretius S, Bouvard S, Budinger E, Buxbaum JD, Cash D, Chapman VX, Chuang K, Ciobanu L, Coolen BF, Dalley JW, Dhenain M, Dijkhuizen RM, Esteban O, Faber C, Febo M, Feindel KW, Forloni GJPC, Fouquet J, Garza-Villarreal EA, Gass N, Glennon JC, Gozzi A, Gröhn O, Harkin A, Heerschap A, Helluy X, Herfert K, Heuser A, Homberg JR, Houwing DJG, Hyder F, Ielacqua GD, Jelescu IO, Johansen-Berg H, Kaneko G, Kawashima R, Keilholz SD, Keliris GA, Kelly C, Kerskens C, Khokhar JY, Kind PC, Langlois J, Lerch JP, López-Hidalgo MA, Manahan-Vaughan D, Marchand F, Mars RB, Marsella G, Micotti E, Muñoz-Moreno E, Near J, Niendorf T, Otte WM, Pais-Roldán PC, Pan W, Prado-Alcalá RA, Quirarte GL, Rodger J, Rosenow T, Sampaio-Baptista C, Sartorius A, Sawiak SJ, Scheenen TWJ, Shemesh N, Shih YY, Shmuel A, Soria G, Stoop R, Thompson GJPC, Till SM, Todd N, Linden AVD, Toorn AVD, Tilborg GAF, Vanhove C, Veltien A, Verhoye M, Wachsmuth L, Weber-Fahr W, Wenk PC, Yu X, Zerbi V, Zhang N, Zhang BB, Zimmer L, Devenyi GA, Chakravarty MM, Hess A

A consensus protocol for functional connectivity analysis in the rat brain

Nature NeurosciencePubMed

Katz BM, Walton LR, Houston KM, Cerri DH, Shih YY

Putative neurochemical and cell type contributions to hemodynamic activity in the rodent caudate putamen

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismPubMed

MacKinnon MJ, Wang TW, Shih YY

Mouse Brain MRI: Including In Vivo, Ex Vivo, and fcMRI for the Study of Microcephaly

Methods in Molecular BiologyPubMed

S Song, Tu D, Meng C, Liu J, Wilson B, Wang Q, Shih YY, Gao HM, Hong JS

Dysfunction of the noradrenergic system drives inflammation, α-synucleinopathy, and neuronal loss in mouse colon

Frontiers in ImmunologyPubMed


Oyarzabal EA, Hsu LM, Das M, Chao TH, Zhou J, Song S, Zhang WT, Smith KG, Sciolino NR, Evsyukova IY, Yuan H, Lee SH, Cui G, Jensen P, Shih YY

Chemogenetic Stimulation of Tonic Locus Coeruleus Activity Strengthens the Default Mode Network

Science Advances[Press release]PubMed

Kyere FA, Curtin I, Krupa O, McCormick CM, Dere M, Khan S, Kim M, Wang TW, He Q, Wu G, Shih YY, Stein JL

Whole-Brain Single-Cell Imaging and Analysis of Intact Neonatal Mouse Brains Using MRI, Tissue Clearing, and Light-Sheet Microscopy

Journal of Visualized ExperimentsPubMed

Zhang WT, Chao TH, Yang Y, Wang TW, Lee SH, Oyarzabal EA, Zhou J, Nonneman R, Pegard NC, Zhu H, Cui G, Shih YY

Spectral fiber photometry derives hemoglobin concentration changes for accurate measurement of fluorescent sensor activity

Cell Reports Methods[Press release][Preview][Cell Reports Methods Best of 2022]PubMed

Zhang WT, Chao TH, Cui G, Shih YY

Simultaneous recording of neuronal and vascular activity in the rodent brain using fiber-photometry

STAR protocolsPubMed

Chao THH, Zhang WT, Hsu LM, Cerri DH, Wang TW, Shih YY

Computing hemodynamic response functions from concurrent spectral fiber-photometry and fMRI data



Hsu LM, Wang S, Walton L, Wang TWW, Lee SH, Shih YY

3D U-Net Improves Automatic Brain Extraction for Isotropic Rat Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data

Frontiers in NeurosciencePubMed

Gómez-A A, Dannenhoffer CA, Elton A, Lee SH, Ban W, Shih YY, Boettiger CA, Robinson DL

Altered Cortico-Subcortical Network After Adolescent Alcohol Exposure Mediates Behavioral Deficits in Flexible Decision-Making

Frontiers in PharmacologyPubMed

Lee SH, Broadwater MA, Ban W, Wang TW, Kim HJ, Dumas JS, Vetreno RP, Herman MA, Morrow AL, Besheer J, Kash TL, Boettiger CA, Robinson DL, Crews FT, Shih YY

An isotropic EPI database and analytical pipelines for rat brain resting-state fMRI


Walton LR, Verber M, Lee SH, Chao TH, Wightman RM, Shih YY

Simultaneous fMRI and fast-scan cyclic voltammetry bridges evoked oxygen and neurotransmitter dynamics across spatiotemporal scales

NeuroImagePubMed (NeuroImage Paper of the Year)

Das M, Oyarzabal EA, Chen L, Lee SH, Shah N, Gerlach G, Zhang WT, Chao TH, Van Den Berge N, Liu C, Donley C, Montgomery SA, Shih YY

One-pot synthesis of carboxymethyl-dextran coated iron oxide nanoparticles (CION) for preclinical fMRI and MRA applications


Wang Y, Shih YY, Lee YS

Vibration-Assisted Insertion of Flexible Neural Microelectrodes With Bio-Dissolvable Guides for Medical Implantation

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

MacKinnon MJ, Berkowitz BA, Shih YY

Superoxide free radical spin‐lattice relaxivity: A quench‐assisted MR study

Magnetic Resonance in MedicinePubMed


Hsu LM, Wang Shuai, Ranadive P, Ban W, Chao TH, Song S, Cerri DH, Walton LR, Broadwater MA, Lee SH, Shen D, Shih YY

Automatic Skull Stripping of Rat and Mouse Brain MRI Data Using U-Net

Frontiers in NeurosciencePubMed

Singh H, Sreedharan S, Oyarzabal E , Mahapatra TS, Green N, Shih YY, Das M, Thomas JA, Pramanik SK, Das A

Mitochondriotropic lanthanide nanorods: implications for multimodal imaging

Chemical communicationsPubMed

Li Y, Bao H, Luo Y, Yoan C, Sullivan HA, Quintanilla L, Wickersham I, Lazarus M, Shih YY, Song J

Supramammillary nucleus synchronizes with dentate gyrus to regulate spatial memory retrieval through glutamate release


Wander CM, Tseng JH, Song S, Housseiny HAA, Tart DS, Ajit A, Shih YY, Lobrovich R, Song J, Meeker RB, Irwin DJ, Cohen TJ

The Accumulation of Tau-Immunoreactive Hippocampal Granules and Corpora Amylacea Implicates Reactive Glia in Tau Pathogenesis during Aging


Mandino F, Cerri DH, Garin CM, Straathof M, Tilborg GA, Chakravarty MM, Dhenain M, Dijkhuizen R, Gozzi A, Hess A, Keilholz SD, Lerch JP, Shih YY, Grandjean J

Animal functional magnetic resonance imaging: Trends and path toward standardization

Frontiers in NeuroinformaticsPubMed


Song S, Wang Q, Jiang L, Oyarzabal E, Riddick NV, Wilson B, Moy SS, Shih YY, Hong JS

Noradrenergic dysfunction accelerates LPS-elicited inflammation-related ascending sequential neurodegeneration and deficits in non-motor/motor functions

Brain, Behavior, and ImmunityPubMed

Lin TC, Lo YC, Lin HC, Li SJ, Lin SH, Wu HF, Chu MC, Lee CW, Lin IC, Chang CW, Liu YC, Chen TC, Lin YJ, Shih YY, Chen YY

MR imaging central thalamic deep brain stimulation restored autistic-like social deficits in the rat

Brain StimulationPubMed

Song S, Jiang L, Oyarzabal EA, Wilson B, Li Z, Shih YY, Wang Q, Hong JS

Loss of Brain Norepinephrine Elicits Neuroinflammation-Mediated Oxidative Injury and Selective Caudo-Rostral Neurodegeneration

Molecular NeurobiologyPubMed


Zhang X, Kiapour N, Kapoor S, Merrill JR, Xia Y, Ban W, Cohen SM, Midkiff BR, Jewells V, Shih YY, Markovic-Plese S

IL-11 antagonist suppresses Th17 cell-mediated neuroinflammation and demyelination in a mouse model of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

Clinical ImmunologyPubMed

Chen YW, Das M, Oyarzabal EA, Cheng Q, Pulmmer N, Smith K, Jones G, Malawsky D, Yakel J, Shih YY, Jensen P

Genetic identification of a population of noradrenergic neurons implicated in attenuation of stress-related responses

Molecular PsychiatryPubMed

Crowther AJ, Lim SA, Asrican B, Albright BH, Wooten J, Yeh CY, Bao H, Cerri DH, Hu J, Ian Shih YY, Asokan A, Song J

An Adeno-Associated Virus-Based Toolkit for Preferential Targeting and Manipulating Quiescent Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampus

Stem Cell ReportsPubMed

Broadwater MA, Lee SH, Yu Y, Zhu H, Crews FT, Robinson DL, Shih YY

Adolescent alcohol exposure decreases frontostriatal resting-state functional connectivity in adulthood

Addiction BiologyPubMed


Bandla A, Liao LD, Chan SJ, Ling JM, Liu YH, Shih YY, Pan HC, Wong PT, Lai HY, King NKK, Chen YY, Ng WH, Thakor NV

Simultaneous functional photoacoustic microscopy and electrocorticography reveal the impact of rtPA on dynamic neurovascular functions after cerebral ischemia

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and MetabolismPubMed

Kao YC, Oyarzabal EA, Zhang H, Faber JE, Shih YY

The Role of Genetic Variation in Collateral Circulation in the Evolution of Acute Stroke: A Multimodal MRI Study


Van Den Berge N, Albaugh DL, Salzwedel A, Vanhove C, Van Holen R, Gao W, Stuber GD, Shih YY

Functional Circuit Mapping of Striatal Output Nuclei using Simultaneous DBS-fMRI



Oyarzabal EA, Shih YY, Hong JS

Aging and Microglial Activation in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Inflammation, Aging, and Oxidative Stress

Albaugh DL, Salzwedel A, Van Den Berge N, Gao W, Stuber GD, Shih YY

Functional magnetic resonance imaging of electrical and optogenetic deep brain stimulation at the rat nucleus accumbens

Scientific ReportsPubMed

Decot H, Namboodiri VMK, Gao W, McHenry J, Jennings J, Lee SH, Kantak P, Kao YC, Das M, Witten I, Disseroth K, Shih YY, Stuber GD

Coordination of brain wide activity dynamics by dopaminergic neurons


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